I hope you all had a great thanksgiving and Black Friday, I didn't go shopping yesterday as I was home all day cooking. Unfortunately, I forgot to take a picture of my turkey before carving it last night,*Tear* but overall the dinner was a success.
Last week while at Costco, I was overjoyed to learn that they were now selling Hunter boots!!!! At my local Costco, they are $75 much more affordable than the original price of $140. There were only black boots when I was there, but later on I was told that they now have olive green and brown in stock as well as black. I was a little indecisive about whether I should buy a pair because they only came in matte at my Costco and I have been lusting over a pair of glossy Hunters for a while now. Then, I looked on the Costco site and there were glossy black hunters being sold for $80(members only), but sadly they weren't available in my size. Whilst in anguish (maybe a little dramatic?) about this situation, my wise Aunt said that I could keep these and buy another pair with money from my upcoming birthday. I asked my mom and she said I COULD KEEP THEM!!!! YAY!!
Hunter Original Tall in Black
Girls, hop on over to Costco and get yourself a pair of Hunters because these are flying off the shelves!!
With Love,